Nú getur þú bókað þinn tíma inná sinna.is!
Nú getur þú bókað þinn tíma inná sinna.is
Húðfegrun offers a laser treatment on warts and skin tags, performed with the latest laser technology available in the market. The treatment is carried out with a laser beam aimed at the wart / around the skin tag, burning the wart / skin tag away.
Number of treatments: Commonly it takes 2-4 treatments to get rid of warts, depending on their size and the treatment area, and at least 2 treatments to get rid of skin tags, depending on their size. A month should pass between treatments.
After treatment: Redness and swelling can be felt in the treatment area immediately after treatment and can last from 1-3 days and up to a week, depending on the treatment area. In some cases blisters, wounds and scab may form after treatment. It is a completely normal reaction, but it is important to let the scab heal fully for optimal results. It is recommended to apply a healing lotion on the treatment area for a few days afterwards and follow strict hygienic measures to prevent infections.
After treatment the following is recommended:
· Apply a healing lotion on the treatment area twice a day for one week.
· Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least one week.
· Avoid going to the swimming pool for 1-7 days, depending on the treatment form.
· Use sunscreen (at least SPF 30) for at least one week.
Contact information:
Phone: 533-1320
Email: bokanir@hudfegrun.is